This release will once again contain StatsBomb 360 data. 360 is tactical event data that includes a freeze frame containing every player in the picture around each event. The freeze frames add critical context and enable deeper and more meaningful analysis than is possible with standard event data, some of which we demonstrated recently in our Line-Breaking Passes and Ball Receipts In Space metrics launch article.
Over the last decade, the landscape of machine learning software development has undergone significant changes. Many frameworks have come and gone, but most have relied heavily on leveraging Nvidia's CUDA and performed best on Nvidia GPUs. However, with the arrival of PyTorch 2.0 and OpenAI's Triton, Nvidia's dominant position in this field, mainly due to its software moat, is being disrupted.
It’s time for Atlas to pick up a new set of skills and get hands on. In this video, the humanoid robot manipulates the world around it: Atlas interacts with objects and modifies the course to reach its goal—pushing the limits of locomotion, sensing, and athleticism.